Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 6 of the Third Annual Flats and Hand Washing Challenge

"I am taking part in the Third Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry. For 7 days I will be using only flat cloth diapers and handwashing them in an effort to prove that cloth diapering can be affordable and accessible to all. You can learn more about the rules and why this challenge was started by visiting the announcement post. This year there are over 400 participants from all over the world!"

Ok I'm out. I am sad to say it but I'm done. BB has been coming down with something. He was up all night coughing to the point of vomiting. I hope it is nothing. He has had a couple of upper respiratory things this year. I have used 3 disposable diapers. I almost feel guilty if I don't hand wash the flats from yesterday. I will see if I get around to it. My dream team (my mom and step sister) are out of town so I am holding down the fort by myself. Which is no easy task when there are still 6 mouths to feed and clean up after.

Today I am hoping to join thousands of others in the March Against Monsanto. This week the Senate rejected a bill that would give States the option to decided if they want to make the labeling of GMO foods mandatory or not. This bill was just to give States the choice. But now they are not even allowed to do that. There is no evidence that GMO's are safe nor are there any long term studies done on their effects on humans. Please join me in Marching against the Godfather of GMO's Monsanto. There will be locations all around the country.
Also don't forget that I am giving away a pair of handmade wool longies. I am not the best seamstress but they are completely functional. Please leave a comment to enter. Good Luck! Winner will be announced Monday!


  1. I tried to find a location near me but when I searched all I found were posts about the event. It is too late in the day now. How did you find a location for March against Monsanto? Absolutely ridiculous that mandatory labeling keeps getting voted down. I hope your child feels better. We have had noting but rain and flats I washed 2 days ago are still hanging damp...down to 4 that are not still damp!

    1. Thank you raising them green. My son seems a little better but is still coughing a lot throughout the night. I heard about the March through a couple of Facebook groups I am in. It was really a great experience. I hope one day that gmo foods are completely banned and the monopoly that Monsanto is building is destroyed! Thank you for your support. We had quite a bit of rain too. How did you manage for the rest of the challenge?

  2. Glad to see another crunchy mama also against GMOs! Our local march was 2 hours away, so we weren't able to make it.
    Thanks for the Giveaway... it looks fully functional :)
    -Cinella @ The Mami Blog!

    1. Thank you Cinella, you are so kind. I am lucky that there were several marches in my area. It was a lot of fun and we had a great turn out. The local t.v. station even came by!

  3. I hope the little one feels better soon <3

    1. Thank you Princessnorm! He seems to be getting better but still coughing a lot a night :(
